VerityDotNet transforms allow remediating and enriching source data into Normalized data with a higher level of quality, accuracy, and meaning to support demanding use cases. There are five kinds of transforms:
Assignment: assigns values to field as a fixed value, reference to another field in record, random number, list of categories via frequencies, lookup dictionaries
Conditional: conditional tests of equality and inequality for numeric, string, and date values
Numeric: numeric calculation functions including using other fields in record by reference
Text: manipulate with slicing, adding, padding, replacing
Date: Change date format to ISO 8601 including from special Excel format
Transforms are objects with a list of child Op objects. These are described in the “objects” page. Each Op has properties for parameter settings titled param1, param2, param3. Their use and appropriate values are specific to each transform function which are described in this page.
No operation. Use to stop operations in conditional sequence
Assign a fixed value
Param1: Value to assign. Required
Assign a fixed value equal to the record’s index in output set which is supplied by application code to the transform execution module.
Param1: Optional integer starting index which must be greater than or equal to 0. Default is 0.
Assigns the value of a referenced source field in the current record
Param1: field title to get its current value to assign. Required
Uses random number generator to produce a value scaled between the minimum and maximum values
Param1: optional as minimum. Default is 0
Param2: optional as maximum. Default is 1. If this is < min then set to min + 1
Applies a value from a list using relative frequencies of occurrence
Param1: relative frequencies of occurrence. Can use any real > 0 and will be scaled to sum. Since list, enter delimited by pipe such as 2|7|.5|9 where the second list item occurs 37.8% percent (7/18.5) of the time.
Param2: list of values correlated to Param1 frequencies and entered with pipe delimiter like red|green|blue|orange
Param3: Optional. If used, either a reference field title to use as source of base value, or a real number 0.0-1.0 . Otherwise, the default is to use a random number.
Assigns a value from a lookup list based on matching values to keys where keys can use wildcards. The match can be made to one, two, or three source fields in the record with field 1 always the current value while fields 2 and 3 are optional if set in Param2. Leave Param2 empty to use only 1 field as the match value. All selected fields must match their respective conditions for a lookup result to be assigned. The lookup dictionary has records each with properties: key1, key2, key3, value depending on how many keys are used which is set by Param1 and Param2. Keys can use front and/or back wildcard (*) like top*, night, *state to allow token matching.
Param1: title of list that has been pre-loaded into array of lists as part of initialization. Required.
Param2: Optional. Field 2 title, or fields 2 and 3 titles. If both supplied use pipe to delimit such as ‘field2|field3’.
If value is empty. Compares current value as string
If value is not empty. Compares current value as string
If equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If not equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If greater than or equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If not greater than or equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If greater than. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If not greater than. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If lesser than or equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If not lesser than or equals. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If lesser than. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If not lesser than. Compares current value as real number (converted from string) to Param1 (also converted) from string or one of the char_aliases for PI (math.pi) or E (math.e)
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias math.pi or math.e
If strings are equal. Compares current value to Param1 as string or one of the char_aliases. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If strings are not equal. Compares current value to Param1 as string or one of the char_aliases. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If current value starts with Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If current value not starts with Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If current value contains Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
Param3: optional boolean whether remove all spaces from current value before comparing so ‘this is me’ becomes ‘thisisme’. Default is false.
If current value not contains Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
Param3: optional boolean whether remove all spaces from current value before comparing so ‘this is me’ becomes ‘thisisme’. Default is false.
If current value ends with Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If current value not ends with Param1. You can specify multiple test strings by delimiting with pipe (no spacing) as with Strong|strENGTH|power
Param1: Value to compare. Can be alias. Required
Param2: optional boolean whether case sensitive. Default is false.
If integer. Param1 specifies if must be positive integer, negative, or any
Param1: optional [‘any’,’positive’,’negative’] default=any
If not integer. Param1 specifies if must be positive integer, negative, or any
Param1: optional [‘any’,’positive’,’negative’] default=any
If real number. Param1 specifies if must be positive integer, negative, or any
Param1: optional [‘any’,’positive’,’negative’] default=any
If not real number. Param1 specifies if must be positive integer, negative, or any
Param1: optional [‘any’,’positive’,’negative’] default=any
If in ISO DateTime format of yyyyMMdd with optional time suffix of Thhmmss. Date part may use delimiters / or - while time part may use : . Examples: 2024-03-24T14:33:05, 20240324T143305, 20240324
If not in ISO DateTime format of yyyyMMdd with optional time suffix of Thhmmss. Date part may use delimiters / or - while time part may use : . Examples: 2024-03-24T14:33:05, 20240324T143305, 20240324
If in supplied format possibly with delimiters / or -
Param1: format to check for. Required. MMM indicates month abbreviation like Jan or Aug, and MONTH indicates full name like January. Formats: mmddyy, mmdyy,mdyy,mmddyyyy,mmdyyyy,mdyyyy,ddmmyy,ddmyy,dmyy,ddmmyyyy,ddmyyyy,dmyyyy, yymmdd,yymmd,yymd,yyyymmdd,yyyymmd,yyyymd,yyyyddd,yyyyMMMdd,ddMMMyyyy, MONTHdd,yyyy,ddMONTH,yyyy,yyyyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyyyy,yyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyy
If not in supplied format possibly with delimiters / or -
Param1: format to check for. Required. MMM indicates month abbreviation like Jan or Aug, and MONTH indicates full name like January. Formats: mmddyy, mmdyy,mdyy,mmddyyyy,mmdyyyy,mdyyyy,ddmmyy,ddmyy,dmyy,ddmmyyyy,ddmyyyy,dmyyyy, yymmdd,yymmd,yymd,yyyymmdd,yyyymmd,yyyymd,yyyyddd,yyyyMMMdd,ddMMMyyyy, MONTHdd,yyyy,ddMONTH,yyyy,yyyyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyyyy,yyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyy
Rounds number to specified number of decimal digits. If number digits=0 (default) then nearest integer made (real datatype ends .00). Midpoint goes to even number
Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to number. Real datatype ends .00
Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to number. Real datatype ends .00
Returns the absolute value.
Inverts sign.
Multiply current value by supplied number. May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Divide current value by supplied number (current/x). May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required. If 0, then result = 9.99 x 10^10
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Divide current value from supplied number (x/current). May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required. If Param1=0 then result=0 while if current value=0 then result= 9.99 x 10^10
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Add current value by supplied number. May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Subtract current value by supplied number (current-x). May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Subtract current value from supplied number (x-current). May use special notations
Param1: number to use. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Multiply current value by value of referenced field.
Param1: title of reference field. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Divide current value by value of referenced field (current/ref).
Param1: title of reference field. Required. If reference value=0 then result = 9.99 x 10^10
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Divide current value from value of referenced field (ref/current).
Param1: title of reference field. Required. If current value=0 then result = 9.99 x 10^10
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Add current value by value of referenced field.
Param1: title of reference field. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Subtract current value by value of referenced field (current-ref).
Param1: title of reference field. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Subtract current value from value of referenced field (ref-current).
Param1: title of reference field. Required.
Param2: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Multiply referenced fields.
Param1: first reference field. Required.
Param2: second field title or multiple field titles separated by commas like title2,title3,title4. Required.
Param3: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Add referenced fields.
Param1: first reference field. Required.
Param2: second field title or multiple field titles separated by commas like title2,title3,title4. Required.
Param3: optional boolean whether to clean number of non-numeric prefix and suffix characters. Default is true.
Base 10 log of current value. If value < 0 then result= -10^10. If datatype is int then result uses FLOOR
Base E log of current value. If value < 0 then result= -10^10. If datatype is int then result uses FLOOR
Base 10 exponential of current value.
Base E exponential of current value.
Sets number of decimal places for number. If <= 0 then value is truncated to integer. If less than number’s decimals, excess digits cut. If greater, decimal places padded right with 0
Param1: integer number decimal places greater than or equal to 0
Convert a string representing exponential number into non-exponential number. String will be checked for format n.nnEsnn where n is integer digit, and s is an optional + or -. String can also have front - or be enclosed in parentheses. Examples: 1.3E05 converted to 130000, -1.23e-1 converted to -0.123
Remove whitespace left (i.e. front) and right (i.e. back)
Remove whitespace left (i.e. front)
Remove whitespace right (i.e. back)
Set to lower case
Set to upper case
Set to title case
Take characters from front of string. Matching part is found in current value and then cut after its first occurrence so it is inclusive of match, such as Param1= ‘r’ for current value= ‘horse’ yields ‘hor’.
Param1: string to find match. Required.
Take characters from front of string before the matching part is found in current value so it is exclusive of match, such as Param1= ‘r’ for current value= ‘horse’ yields ‘ho’.
Param1: string to find match. Required.
Take N characters from front of string
Param1: integer number of characters. Required.
Take characters from end of string. Matching part is found in current value and then cut at its first occurrence to end so it is inclusive of match, such as Param1= ‘r’ for current value= ‘horse’ yields ‘rse’.
Param1: string to find match. Required.
Take characters from end of string after the matching part is found in current value so it is exclusive of match, such as Param1= ‘r’ for current value= ‘horse’ yields ‘se’.
Param1: string to find match. Required.
Take N characters from end of string
Param1: integer number of characters. Required.
Take characters from middle of string. Matching part is found in current value and then cut after its first occurrence. If Param2 not used, result is after cutting with Param1. If Param2 is used, then initial result is again cut after finding Param2’s occurrence meaning result is string including Param1 and Param2. Examples: value= ‘Semantics’ with Param1=’m’ and Param2=’c’ yields ‘mantic’; value= ‘mishmash’ with Param1=’ma’ and Param2=’s’ yields ‘mas’
Param1: string to find match. Required.
Param2: optional second string to find ending match
Take N characters from middle of string. Result is after cutting at Param1 character index from front of string. If Param2 not used or less than 1, then result goes to end of string. If Param2 is used, then initial result is again cut after Param2’s number of characters. Examples: value= ‘Semantics’ with Param1=’2’ and Param2=’6’ yields ‘mantic’ ; for value= ‘mishmash’ with Param1=’4’ and Param2=’3’ yields ‘mas’.”
Param1: integer starting position using 0-based indexing
Param2: optional second integer for number of characters to take
Take 1 character at position (0-based)
Param1: integer character position 0-n. Required
Add string to front of value
Param1: string to add. Required
Add string to back of value
Param1: string to add. Required
Remove all instances of string from value
Param1: string to remove. Required
Replace all instances of string from value with new string part
Param1: string to remove. Required
Param2: string to insert as replacement. Required
Sets value to specific length by cutting or padding characters as needed
Param1: integer character length. Required
Param2: optional side to act on (left, right)
Param3: optional character to pad with if needed. Default is x. If longer than 1 char only first used.
Encrypts value using key supplied in param1 or system default if none supplied
Param1: string key. optional
Decrypts value using key supplied in param1 or system default if none supplied. Key must exactly match key used to encrypt original value.
Param1: string key. optional
Creates an ISO 8601 DateTime string yyyyMMdd[Thhmmss] with time part depending on Param1
Param1: ‘today’ for current date as yyyyMMdd, ‘now’ for current date and time, or an ISO formatted dateTime.
Param2: optional for either ‘today’ or ‘now’. Ignored when Param1 is ISO dateTime. The number hours timezone offset from UTC (e.g. Dallas TX is -5, Kolkata India is +5.5, New York NY is -4), otherwise the computer’s time zone is used so depends on server settings.
Converts data in specified format to ISO 8601 date yyyyMMdd
Param1: Required. format with MMM for month abbreviation like Jan or Aug, and MONTH for full name like January. Formats: mmddyy, mmdyy,mdyy,mmddyyyy,mmdyyyy,mdyyyy,ddmmyy,ddmyy,dmyy,ddmmyyyy,ddmyyyy,dmyyyy, yymmdd,yymmd,yymd,yyyymmdd,yyyymmd,yyyymd,yyyyddd,yyyyMMMdd,ddMMMyyyy, MONTHdd,yyyy,ddMONTH,yyyy,yyyyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyyyy,yyMONTHdd,ddMONTHyy
Converts a date in numeric excel format into ISO8601 yyyymmdd format with fractional days removed. Excel uses number days since January 1, 1900 as its counting base. Example: 44416 = 20210808, 42855 = 20170430
Populate Enrichment Field#
Enrichment fields are key to improving and maintaining data accuracy, trust, integrity and pedigree for any use case needing managed control of data assets and which has a strong dependency of outcomes on even small quantities of data errors and variability. They are fields added to the output data set that are not in the source data. Essentially, they are in-record metadata.
In this example, we have an enrichment field titled ‘useAGI’ that is defined to be a boolean datatype indicating whether the output record should be used for aggregating records into groups with subtotals of their field ‘AGI’ values. This is real-world data from the IRS Migration data set where AGI is the Adjusted Gross Income from tax returns. The problem is there are records in the source data that cannot be used for subtotal calculations because they are either already subtotals or have faulty data. There are two ways to detect these situations based on IRS documentation:
faulty data: AGI will have value = -1
is a subtotal: field ‘y1_state_name’ contains words [“total”,”non-“,”migrants”,”Migration”,”Foreign”,”-US”,”Same State”]. Of these, the most consistent is the word part ‘migra’ when case insensitive
These data characteristics were discovered using VerityDotNet analysis function and reviewing the errors (e.g. the words noted are not correct state names, and -1 is not a valid AGI value from real tax returns) and unique value distributions.
While this business logic may seem complicated, it is easily represented in VerityDotNet transforms in the following steps:
The action flow of this transform depends on the values of the fields ‘AGI’ and ‘y1_state_name’ in the record being processed. Consider three situations:
AGI = -1, y1_state_name= ‘AL’ : Step 1 assigns -1 to the working value. Step 2 tests if the value is NOT equal to -1 since IF conditions flow as IF –> action when false then stop else action when true then continue. In this case, the IF condition is FALSE since the value is -1 meaning NOT EQUAL is FALSE. Thus, step 3 is executed assigning ‘false’ as the final value and the transform ends.
AGI = 5400, y1_state_name = ‘AL Total Migration-US and Foreign’ : Step 1 assigns 5400 to the working value. Step 2 tests if the value is NOT equal to -1. In this case, the IF condition is TRUE since the value is not -1. Thus, step 3 is ignored and step 4 assigns ‘AL Total Migration-US and Foreign’ as the working value. Step 5 tests if the working value contains ‘migra’ case insensitive (since that is default for function) with this result being TRUE. Consequently, step 6 is ignored (since it is for FALSE result from IF) and step 7 is executed assigning final value ‘false’. Note that if step 5 was instead ifStrContains(“migra”,”true”) making it case sensitive then its result would be FALSE and step 6 executed assigning final value of ‘true’.
AGI = 5400, y1_state_name = ‘AL’ : Step 1 assigns 5400 to the working value. Step 2 tests if the value is NOT equal to -1. In this case, the IF condition is TRUE since the value is not -1. Thus, step 3 is ignored and step 4 assigns ‘AL’ as the working value. Step 5 tests if the working value contains ‘migra’ case insensitive (since that is default for function) with this result being FALSE. Consequently, step 6 executed assigning final value of ‘true’.
Correct Numeric Units#
In this example, we again use real-world data from the IRS Migration data set where AGI is the Adjusted Gross Income from tax returns in thousands of US dollars. We want to transform the value into actual dollars to support downstream analytics. The problem is there are records in the source data that cannot be used for subtotal calculations because they are faulty data. These are denoted by AGI = -1.
We use business logic to multiply by 1000 unless the AGI is faulty in the following steps:
The action flow of this transform depends on the value of the field ‘AGI’.
AGI = -1: Step 1 assigns -1 to the working value. Step 2 tests if the value is NOT equal to -1 since IF conditions flow as IF –> action when false then stop else action when true then continue. In this case, the IF condition is FALSE since the value is -1 meaning NOT EQUAL is FALSE. Thus, step 3 is executed which is the special noOp function (no operation meaning do nothing) and the transform ends.
AGI = 123.45: Step 1 assigns 123.45 to the working value. Step 2 tests if the value is NOT equal to -1 which is TRUE. In this case, step 3 is ignored and step 4 is executed multiplying the working value by 1000 and assigning this as final value.