Helper functions to split quoted data records, handle parameter aliases, detect datatypes, and others. char_aliases are tokens to allow specifying disruptive characters. For example, -lsquare- is the [ character which has special meaning in code.
static Dictionary< string, string > | GetCharAliases () |
| Retrieve dictionary with key= character alias and value = character such as: { "-comma-", "," }, { "-tab-", "\t" }, { "-pipe-", "|" }, { "-space-", " " }, { "-bslash-", "\\" }, { "-fslash-", "/" }, { "-lparen-", "(" }, { "-rparen-", ")" },
{ "-lcurly-", "{" }, { "-rcurly-", "}" }, { "-lsquare-", "[" }, { "-rsquare-", "]" },
{ "-dblquote-", """ }, { "-mathpi-", Math.PI.ToString() },{ "-mathe-", Math.E.ToString() },.
static Dictionary< string, string > | GetCharAliasesReverse () |
| Retrieve dictionary with key= character and value = character alias such as { ",","-comma-" }, { "\t","-tab-" }, { "|","-pipe-" }, { "\\","-bslash-" },
{ "/","-fslash-" }, { "(","-lparen-" }, { ")","-rparen-" }, { "{","-lcurly-" },
{ "}","-rcurly-" }, { "[","-lsquare-" }, { "]","-rsquare-" }, { ""","-dblquote-" },.
static string | ConvertCharAliases (string strin) |
| Finds and converts character aliases in a string.
static string | ExtractCharAliases (string strin, Dictionary< string, bool > ignore) |
| Finds and converts troublesome characters into aliases.
static string | ExtractCharAliases (string strin) |
| Finds and converts troublesome characters into aliases.
static bool | IsMathAlias (string valnum) |
| Checks if string is math alias of pi or e (-mathpi- or -mathe-)
static string | GetMathAlias (string valnum) |
| Converts math alias of pi and e into their full real number provided by DotNet.
static string | DelimGetChar (string valnum) |
| Converts name of delimiter into its character.
static string | ConvertSpecialNotation (string valnum) |
| Converts the VerityX product special notations into their mapped strings.
static List< string > | SplitQuotedLine (string linein, string delim) |
| Slices an input text line using quoted fields and a delimiter but with possibility not all fields are quoted.
static string | DetectDataType (string strin) |
| Attempts to determine a string value's datatype using multiple characteristics.
static string | Do_Pad (string valin, string padChar, string padSide, int nlength) |
| Pads string either on front or back side.
static string | AssignDataType (Dictionary< string, long > datatypeDist, Dictionary< string, string > settings) |
| Uses distribution of detected datatypes for a field to determine the most likely datatype appropriate to assign to it.This uses threshhold settings and knowledge from curated data sets across multiple domains and data systems.
static List< string > | AssignDataTypesToFields (List< Dictionary< string, long > > dataypeDistFields, Dictionary< string, string > settings) |
| Uses list of distribution of detected datatypes for each field to determine the most likely datatype appropriate to assign to it.This uses threshhold settings and knowledge from curated data sets across multiple domains and data systems.
static bool | IsFieldItsDataType (string dType, string fieldVal) |
| Determines if a field's value is in its specified datatype.
static bool | IsFieldItsDataType (string dType, string fieldVal, string dateFmt) |
| Determines if a field's value is in its specified datatype.
static string | IsFieldItsFormat (string fieldVal, Field field, bool allowEmpty=false) |
| Determines if field value conforms to its defined format (if set)
Helper functions to split quoted data records, handle parameter aliases, detect datatypes, and others. char_aliases are tokens to allow specifying disruptive characters. For example, -lsquare- is the [ character which has special meaning in code.
static Dictionary< string, string > VerityDotNet.RecFuncs.GetCharAliases |
( |
| ) |
static |
Retrieve dictionary with key= character alias and value = character such as: { "-comma-", "," }, { "-tab-", "\t" }, { "-pipe-", "|" }, { "-space-", " " }, { "-bslash-", "\\" }, { "-fslash-", "/" }, { "-lparen-", "(" }, { "-rparen-", ")" },
{ "-lcurly-", "{" }, { "-rcurly-", "}" }, { "-lsquare-", "[" }, { "-rsquare-", "]" },
{ "-dblquote-", """ }, { "-mathpi-", Math.PI.ToString() },{ "-mathe-", Math.E.ToString() },.
- Returns
- Dictionary(string,string)
static Dictionary< string, string > VerityDotNet.RecFuncs.GetCharAliasesReverse |
( |
| ) |
static |
Retrieve dictionary with key= character and value = character alias such as { ",","-comma-" }, { "\t","-tab-" }, { "|","-pipe-" }, { "\\","-bslash-" },
{ "/","-fslash-" }, { "(","-lparen-" }, { ")","-rparen-" }, { "{","-lcurly-" },
{ "}","-rcurly-" }, { "[","-lsquare-" }, { "]","-rsquare-" }, { ""","-dblquote-" },.
- Returns
- Dictionary(string,string)